A new jump in my time machine and into my pictures folder of March I found the image above.
This is a pebbles set decorated with a wooden stylus and Indian ink. On the back I applied a little magnet, transforming the simple pebbles in refrigerator magnets. The pebbles come from Zanzibar, collected during a walk on the beach on a rainy day. Work completed in time for a wedding in April.
For this work I have been inspired by the mandala, geometric patterns that represents the cosmos and have a spiritual significance in Buddhism and Hindu religion. My mandalas has nothing of geometric but just inspired by the floral world.
Drawing on stones using a wooden stylus and Indian ink was really fun. I worked on this creation and my last craft project using the same raw materials, I think I have passed the Reprocessed Pebbles Season...maybe...

I confess you, painting the pebbles, I experienced a new form of meditation. So keep in mind this craft could be a good medicine for body and soul and when we are stressed!
già i sassolini-crochet mi sembravano bellissimi, ma questi dipinti sono proprio eccezionali.. peccato che la materia prima sia un po' fuori mano!!
RispondiEliminaSono stupendi Giuly!!! Credo che non sia facile dipingerli!!
RispondiEliminaBaci Luciana
che bella idea e che bel pensiero.
RispondiEliminasicuramente hai una mano super ferma, io così perfetti non ce la fare mai.
a presto
Giuli, you are so talented! I love the painting on the pebbles. I could never paint like that! ;) (my hands are too shaky lol!).
RispondiEliminaWhen I travelled near the seaside, I kept two large stones. One day I will draw on them - such a great idea! (however, I still would prefer your pebbles! ;)
pure le ispirazioni africane! e che delizia quei piccoli merletti sui sassolini... io per farli sarei diventata cieca e matta :D
RispondiEliminaGrazie belle fanciulle!
RispondiEliminaGrazie per i commenti!
A dire il vero non è così complicato come possa sembrare... pochino di pazienza, ma è molto rilassante... mettetevi musica da Buddha bar e rilassatevi... ohm....=)
Hey Guili,
RispondiEliminaSo nice to hear from you,
I also love your blog.
The stones are really a great idea and so romantique for a wedding.
I realy loved it in Italy when i was at Patchpoint with Marlies.
And if i can come back and give classes i would say right away yes.
It was so great to do and i had so much fun.
I realy love Italy.
Please give everybody much greetings from me.
And maybe we can give classes together in a weekend after the summer vacations like a little Patchpoint event hahaha.
Maybe talk to Marlies about that could be much fun.
I follow your blog right now.
Many greetings
Oh wow, c'è pure bisogno di dirti che mi piace??! Idea adorabile, elegante nella sua essenzialità e semplicità, ci puoi trovare dietro un miliardo di bei significati e sarebbero tutti giusti... e la precisione con cui li ha disegnati poi!!
RispondiEliminaGrazie per il tuo commento e per essere passata.
Your rocks are beautiful and amazing! I hope you don't mind, I just could not help but feature your beautiful painted rocks on my 'painted rock' round-up I just finished. You can see it here:
Thank you for sharing your beautiful rocks! They are very inspiring :)
What a wonderful idea! Beautiful!
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