Summer Time ;)

During this time I found myself engulfed in the depths of the web. Has it happened to you starting with a new project, make a research on Google and end up engulfed in the depths of the World Wide Web?
I was looking for "summer time". Click here, click there, after being bounced from one site to another like a pinball, I found some other sites which may interest you. I have not found what I wanted but at least I discovered new things! :)
1) who have little ones, knows how difficult is to travel long distances with children on board. You feel doomed if you do not have a bag full of coloring booklets, toys, and various distractions. I found this link really helpful to creative mothers and perfect if you are like me, recycle maniac: an excellent method of how to recycle pluribal.
2) Comic and adventurous books if your kids love to read. And for kids who can not read yet? What do you think to make a colorful project for your kids to keep them busy during all your summer travels? And if you must drive for more miles? Take a look to "old school entertainments" of this creative mom and learn how create this wonderful rainbow eye spy bottle.
3) Not only kids... if you like collecting old globes, go to the Wendy Gold's web page and see how vintage world globes no longer geographically accurate are transformed in works of art.
4) Do you like old, new, vintage maps? Me too! Here is a round-up of useful or futile items you can buy online or just watch for curiosity.
Scratch off world map from Urban Outfitters. You can show off the places you've visited.
World map fabric handbag from SkyTurtle, in Spain
Printables Maps of the world, vintage images and over 2,000 FREE clip art from Graphics Fairy.
5) If you came back from holiday with tons of pictures and you don't know a way how organize your photos, read the post of Mandy Douglass, named the 2008 Scrapbooker of the Year, lot of publications in Creating Keepsakes magazine and creator of a blog full of ideas.

2 commenti

  1. Grazie mille per queste tue idee, ma quella che più mi ha colpito è quella dei mappamondi...geniali!!!

  2. Wow Giuli!!! Si!!! Capita anche a me di perdermi nel meraviglioso infinito web.. e mi succede spesso!!!
    Deliziose le idee dei libretti e le bottiglie!!!
    Cosa ci dobbiamo inventare per farli stare un po' buoni, eh???


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