Peach-Amaretti Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream...
Hello friends! I'm not sure if you know what "Amaretti" are. They are small, almond flavoured biscuits imported from Italy. You can find them in big supermarkets or in Italian grocery.
Somebody says that these Italian Amaretti are similar to macaroons. (I love macaroons but I don't think they are similar to amaretti!) Amaretti are made with almond flour, egg whites, and sugar and when first baked they are crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. As they sit, they get crunchy throughout.
Here in Italy we can use them as dessert, pudding, cakes but what I most suggest is to try them with any fruit dessert. I love amaretti on hot peach or amaretti on fresh salad fruits. Uhm... delicious!
As ice cream season has started, Sunday morning I did an experiment: I took my ice cream maker (soon I'll use it for other tests culinary) and I made ice cream with peaches and amaretti. I've prepared the base the night before, I missed only the peaches.
For those who want to try, here is my recipe.

600 g peaches, peeled and cut
250 ml whipping cream
250 ml milk
110 gr sugar (150 gr if you like a sweeter ice cream)
100 gr finely crushed amaretti
4 egg yolks
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

In a saucepan, scald the milk and cream.
Beat yolks and sugar until pale yellow.
Slowly beat hot cream into yolks.
Return to saucepan; stir over medium-low heat until mixture thickens (do not boil or mixture will curdle).
Soak the saucepan in a large bowl with ice and continue to stir for a few minutes. When the custard has cooled, cover it and put it to the refrigerator overnight.
Prepare the puree peaches in processor until smooth with lemon juice and add to the custard.
Churn the base mixture in the ice-cream maker for about 30 minutes.
Add the crushed amaretti and continue churning until the ice cream is thick and creamy.
Serve ice cream immediately or keep it in an air-tight plastic container and it will stay fresh longer.
...But I'm sure you will not need to store it in the fridge!

7 commenti

  1. ma lo sai che le pesche con gli amaretti non li ho mai assaggiati? Ora che mi ci hai fatto pensare mi sembra un abbinamento sublime!! Visto che non ho la gelatiera ed il gelato non lo posso fare, lo assaggerò con le pesche!! Le condisci in qualche modo opppure le lasci semplici semplici?

  2. Sara le pesche le condisco con una spruzzata di limone per non farle annerire. Se le vuoi più succose, le schiacci un pochino e ci aggiungi dell'acqua. Puoi aggiungere anche qualche cucchiaio di zucchero se preferisci.
    Se non hai la gelatiera puoi fare ugualmente questo gelato. Quando hai pronta la base, aggiungi le pesche frullate e metti il composto in un contenitore nel freezer per 12 ore. Tira fuori, frulla e servi. :P
    Ffamme sapè!

  3. That looks yummy! What kind of ice cream maker do you use, Giuli?

  4. Hello Abby,
    I use a Gaggia ice cream maker. Made in Italy. They produce espresso coffee machines also. If you want know more visit GAGGIA MILAN Mine works since 2000!

  5. Donna dai mille talenti!!! Tropo sfizioso questo gelato, deve essere buonissimo... Magari ad agosto faccio una capatina da te per assaggiarlo!!! un abbraccio

  6. Vabbe ma così non vale Giuli, sei troppo brava pure in cucina!!!!!!!!!

  7. Che bontà...amo molto le pesche e gli amaretti....e uniti sono una favola...lo proverò presto!!!

    Un abbraccio


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