4 feb 2014

Just a minute in... January 2014

Hello 2014 :)
Happy new year dear friends!
I  hope you have had a great start to another year. Any new plans for 2014? New goals?
No ones for me. In these latest years I learnt making no big plans, live the life as happens, keep things simple and easy.
I've been out for a while.
I had a "fun" time in Edinburgh -Scotland. I discovered amazing places and lots of fun things to do.
Here my first "just a minute of 2014" 
Loving... spend some time with my family.
Working on... A few fun blog projects (announcing one soon!), and improving my baking. 
Making... lists of spots and sights for our upcoming mini trip
Following… a unique lesson sensory experience in Edinburgh which allowed me to discover the flavours of Scotch Whisky. (Believe me, I don't like the taste of alcohol!!)
Cleaning… my stuffs, both in the real world and virtual world.
Reading... a lot of awesome blogs and travel books. I admit, these are my passion!
Cooking....healthy food, I'm trying to get healthy and in shape for summer, aiming for healthy weight loss.
Sending... my camera in for repair. Will I be able to stay a month without it?
What have you been up to lately? 
If you want to play along just leave your link in the comments :)

3 commenti

  1. Ma ciao Giuli... quante belle cose hai fatto e che bei programmi!!
    E cos'è questa cosa del Just a minute?? :)
    Un abbraccio

    1. Ciao Ari,
      tutte le info le trovi qui a destra cliccando sull'immagine con la clessidra "just a minute".
      Oppure puoi leggere qui la storia: http://www.simply-spring.com/p/j.html
      Grazie per la visita! Mi ha fatto piacere! ;)

    2. Ma dai, me l'ero perso..... e mi piace :D :D


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