Treccia morbida with peaches & almonds

In the year comes the time when you have to be brave and rummaging throught the depths of the kitchen pantry. And that's where you can find jars of jams and fruits under syrup long forgotten and pushed farther into the bottom of the shelf.
I found almost expired: corn flour, canned peaches, sliced ​​almonds.
So.. for the school snacks, here comes this soft braid or "treccia morbida", as you prefer.

- 500 g of wheat flour
- 200 g of corn flour (I used superfine)
- 150 g canned peaches
- 150 g of sugar
- 100g + 2 tablespoons almonds for decoration
- 100 g of extra virgin olive oil
- 3 eggs
- 2 tablespoons of milk
- 5 tablespoons of syrup peaches
- 30 g of yeast at room temperature
- A pinch of salt

Sift flours on your working surface and make a fountain. Add a pinch of salt, the eggs, sugar and yeast previously dissolved in warm milk. Add the oil and almonds. Cut peaches into small pieces and add them to the dough.
Mix well.
Place the ball of dough in a bowl and cover.
Put the bowl under the light turned on of your oven for 40 minutes to provide gentle heat.
Knead again and divide the dough into 3 equal parts.
Roll each piece of dough into a cylinder 20 cm long.
Form a braid that will settle on a plate lined with parchment paper.
Brush the braid with peach juice and sprinkle the slices of almond.
Let rise for another 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 170 ° and bake for 30 minutes. Check the times because I have calculated it with my oven.
(I've also prepared these two mini "trecce" for our breakfast)

3 commenti

  1. per me sei un mito...
    cioè prepari la colazione o la merenda per il giorno dopo...
    e mi sembra buonissima.. proverò...

  2. Ho appena fatto, quella salata, sto aspettando che lieviti!!! La prossima che proverò allora sarà questa tua :))

  3. i just came accross your blog, and I really love all Italian food,
    So for me it is so nice to see authentic recipes in English!

    Please keep doing what you re doing, I immediately started following you on bloglving!


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