GLOBAL SHOPPING | Berlin: Frau Tonis.

Berlin, Germany, Europe
Berlin is home to innovative artists and daring designers, a glamorous city. A city where there are many store concepts, those places where the customer lives exploration and the discovery of an idea that the company wants to convey.
I found one fab store concept in the heart of Berlin, just steps away from bustling Friedrichstrasse, close to Checkpoint Charlie.
The Frau Tonis Parfum: more than a boutique, it is a real laboratory of perfume.
Stephanie Hanssen, inspired by the aromas of grandmother, Toni Luise, in November 2009, she opened a boutique perfume paying tribute to his grandmother.

Inside the white store, with minimal and modern design, find their place glass bottles containing the most varied fragrances, all produced in Berlin with essential oils from France. Even the packaging is minimal but classy.
In the boutique everyone can create their own perfect scent. This is also one of Stefanie’s philosophies: "scent as inspiration." The essence that should not be chosen for us by companies perfumer but must be the result of a personal research. And that's how you have fun at the boutique: smelling the different fragrances, "resetting" your noise from time to time, from glass globes containing coffee beans. Here nobody vaporizes the scents in the air, customers are invited to test them smelling directly from the cover smelling bottles.
The most famous fragrance is certainly the 37 "Vielchen", pure violet, a replica of the vintage perfume used by the Berliner legend Marlene Dietrich.
I customized my very own individual fragrance mixing pink, cinnamon, berries and amber with a touch of pink pepper. A vibrant fragrance, just like the metropolis of Berlin.
The creations of Frau Tonis are also available at the "Curtain Club", the bar of the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Posdamer Platz, daily from 6 p.m.
If you wish to participate in workshops, Frau Tonis invites you to a unique olfactory experience, and assist you in composing your individual scent.
The workshop, which lasts an hour and a half, is available for individuals, couples or groups.
You can not reach Berlin? At Frau Tonis is available the online shop.

Shopping Tip: If you are in Berlin, you can buy the Berlin Welcome Card. This card includes the travel ticket for public transport and over 200 discounts including a 25% off on some products Frau Tonis’s boutique.
Zimmerstraße 13

10969 Berlin
Opening hours: mo-sa 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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